Feature image: girl peering over a book with a frown. Know when to DNF a book.

How to Know When to DNF a Book: Learn to Say No to Mediocrity

Ever pick up a highly-anticipated book, only to find yourself miserably slogging through the pages? I have, many, many times. And yet, for the longest time, I would make myself power through it anyway. Only recently did I realize that making myself finish a book I couldn’t get into was seldom (if ever) worth the…

The Libby app is possibly the cheapest way to read books

The Cheapest Way to Read Books in 2024 (from a Penny-Pinching Bookworm)

We’ve all been there. You look at your teetering tower of books and think, “I might have a problem.” But fear not, fellow bibliophiles! Your love for reading does not have to come at the expense of your wallet. In this article, we’re going to explore the cheapest ways to get your hands on your…